Unemployment Rate Drops, Arts District Receives Grant


Farmington Metropolitan area saw a .1% drop in unemployment from August to September this year. Robbins Heating and Air is hosting its 4th annual giveaway of a new Coleman furnace, and the Farmington Arts and Cultural District received part of a $10 million statewide grant to help with arts and cultural development. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Three Rivers Brewing and Northern Edge Casino

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Farmington metropolitan area saw a 0.1 drop in unemployment from August to September this year, part of a statewide drop in unemployment, according to new figures released by the New Mexico Department of Workplace Solutions. Robbins Heating & Air is hosting its fourth annual giveaway of a new Coleman furnace. And the Farmington Arts and Cultural District received part of a $10 million statewide grant to help with arts and cultural development. You're watching the "Local News Roundup," brought to you by Three Rivers Brewing and Northern Edge Casino. I'm Hayley Opsal. New figures from the New Mexico Department of Workplace Solutions showed a drop in unemployment in the Farmington metropolitan area from August to September. Farmington's current rate of unemployment is 5.2%, which is still one of the highest in the state, but was the only decline during the August to September period in the four major metropolitan areas in the state. The unemployment rate dropped from 5.3% to 5.2% in Farmington. Both Albuquerque and Las Cruces saw a rise in unemployment, from 4.1% to 4.2% in Albuquerque and 4.6% to 4.7% in Las Cruces. Santa Fe stayed the same at 3.9%. Unemployment overall is considerably better than it was one year ago when unemployment in Farmington was 7.2%. To see more statistics and figures and for unemployment resources, visit the New Mexico Department of Workplace Solutions at dws.state.nm.us. Robbins Heating & Air is hosting their fourth giveaway of a Coleman furnace to a local family. The program is accepting nominations through November 9th for single family homes that are in need of a new heater. You can nominate yourself, a friend or a family in need. The only requirement is that the single family home is owned by the nominee. As this is the fourth year of the giveaway, owner Michelle Robbins has expected around 120 nominations, a considerable jump from the first year when she received 40 nominees. Three finalists will be selected from the nominations and their homes will be inspected to see if installing a new furnace is possible. And the winner will be announced on November 24th. To view the nomination form, visit robbinshvaconline.com/wecare. Farmington's Arts and Cultural District received a boost in the form of a $40,000 grant to help with an Arts & Cultural District/Cultural Economic Development Plan. The grant, part of a $10 million statewide grant from the New Mexico Economic Development Department and New Mexico's MainStreet as part of an effort to assist with community revitalization projects. All the projects funded by the grant across the state are aimed at supporting economic growth, new jobs, business development and property renovations. In Farmington, efforts for local revitalization of downtown, inspired the mural project transforming blank alley wall space into murals. The mural project began in 2019. Farmington's goal is to achieve a state-recognized Farmington Main Street, Arts and Cultural District, and the recent grant will assist in obtaining that goal. To learn more about the downtown revitalization projects happening in Farmington, visit fmntn.org/99/downtown-farmington. For more information about the Farmington Arts and Cultural District, visit nmartsandculturaldisricts.org and find Farmington on the drop down menu titled Our Districts. That's it for this week's "Local News Roundup." I'm Hayley Opsal.


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