Aztec Releases MRA Plan Draft for Review

September 4, 2024

The City of Aztec has updated its 2024 Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Master Plan, focusing on improvements to the historic downtown area and seeking feedback from community stakeholders. On September 14th, the Aztec Ruins National Monument will host the 2024 Indigenous Cultural Arts Festival, showcasing artwork from various Southwest nations, along with live performances. And San Juan College will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with "Fiesta at Sunset" on September 13th, featuring traditional dance performances, a car show, and other festivities. By Hannah Roberston. This story is sponsored by Boon's Family Thai BBQ and The Big Idea Makerspace at San Juan College.

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The city of Aztec has released an update of its metropolitan redevelopment area master plan, and is seeking responses from community stakeholders. Mark your calendars for the 2024 Indigenous Cultural Arts Festival at the Aztec Ruins National Monument on Saturday, September 14th. And San Juan College invites you to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month on Friday, September 13th. You're watching the Local News Roundup, brought to you by Boon's Family Thai Barbecue, and the Big Idea Makerspace at San Juan College. I'm Sadie Smith. The city of Aztec has released an update of the 2024 MRA master plan, an updated version of the 2018 plan for the historic Downtown area. Under the 2018 plan, the city began work on improvements to the historic Downtown area, including new streetlights, sidewalk art and murals, a redo of the Downtown Plaza, and the refurbished Aztec Theater sign. The August, 2024 plan was created in collaboration with Aztec stakeholders, including business owners and investors. The plan is divided into three geographic sectors, the North Main Corridor, the historic Downtown, and vacant undeveloped land. View the plan on the city's website and send thoughts, questions, and suggestions on the plan to Andrew de Camillo by phone, email, or in person. On Saturday, September 14th, Aztec Ruins National Monument will host the 2024 Indigenous Cultural Arts Festival. The festival features artists from various Southwest nations demonstrating and selling original works, ranging from pottery, jewelry, basketry, and more. The event also includes live music, the Pueblo Dance Group, and a world hoop dance champion. The event begins at 10:00 AM and is free and open to the public. San Juan College invites you to its Fiesta at Sunset, Friday, September 13th, to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month. The event will feature live performances by Guadalupe's Folkloric Dance Productions, Caraco Dance Productions, and Grupo Legato. Don't forget to stop by the car show as well. There will be food games, prizes, and pinatas. Learn more about these and other stories online at Thank you for watching this edition of the Local News Roundup. I'm Sadie Smith.


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